The Social Ideas Podcast
The Social Ideas podcast shares the impact of social innovation, its necessity and its capacity to challenge the status quo. Throughout this series, highly committed change makers in business, civil society, policy and academia will talk about their work, their ideas and their motivation to strive towards to a more equitable and sustainable world.
Modern slavery: a violation of human rights
For millennia so many of our poor and vulnerable have been enslaved: despite living in the 21st century, the lives of millions of men, women, and children are owned by those seeking to make a fortune from the degradation of others.
According to the International Labour Organisation modern slavery includes forced labour, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, debt bondage and forced marriage:[1]
‘One in every four modern slavery victims are children. Children are found in every type of slavery from labour to sex trafficking to forced marriage. The youngest victim of forced marriage from the most recent ILO statistics was nine years old’.
Rev Dr Carrie Pemberton Ford has spent the last 15 years raising awareness and bringing together the Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking.
In this podcast Carrie discusses the work of the centre and the devastating effect of slavery on the rights of humans across the globe.
Register for the Several Rs of Human Trafficking Summer Symposium 2019 –
[1] https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@dgreports/@dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_575479.pdf
Adam Young
Hello Pam Mungroo,
It is very nice that your blog is providing valuable information to us. I want to aware you toward
Human Trafficking: Prosecution of criminals
Pam Mungroo
Thank you, Adam for the information and for the interest in our blog series.
Emma wilks
Thanks, admin for sharing such information.
Pam Mungroo
Thank you.